汉字难学?No no no. 在即将上线的北京大学“汉字课”MOOC课程中,你将轻松愉快地掌握将近一千个汉字及相关词汇,一点一滴,提升汉语水平。 Is it widely believed that Chinese characters are difficult? Well, it is no longer the case. Step by step, the new MOOC course in PKU Chinese Characters for Beginner ...详情>>
北京大学《汉语和文化交际》课程10月9日就要登陆edX平台与大家见面啦!了解汉语交际文化,让交际表达更加得体,你也可以成为汉语达人! Chinese and Intercultural Communication designed by Peking University will be landing edX platform on October 9! By understanding the communication culture in China, you ...详情>>