To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and to explore the perceptions and insights about today’s China from the perspective of international students and alumni of Chinese universities, Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchanges(CSCSE), authorized by the Ministry of Education of China, will hold the 3rd “My Beautiful Encounter with China” essay competition. With the hope of enriching your experience in China and promoting cultural exchange among international students from different parts of the world, we invite you to participate in this meaningful and exciting event:

1. 征文对象为目前就读的来华留学生;留华毕业生;海外院校汉学院学生学者。
2. 题目自拟,以自身视角看中国70年来的辉煌成就,可涉及社会生活各个领域,描述中国发展变化、畅谈在华留学感受和对中国的美好情感。
3. 征文体裁不限,篇幅1000字左右,须用中文撰写。
4. 征稿结束后,教育部留学服务中心将对征集到的作品进行评审,将优秀作品刊登于相关媒体,并结集出版。
5. 征文作品获得第一、二、三等奖的作者将获得奖金奖励,同时活动组织方将根据院校参与的积极程度、素材提供的丰富性和作品提供数量等标准评选出优秀组织奖若干。
◆ Participants:
International students living in China, alumni graduated from Chinese universities, students and scholars from overseas sinology institutes.
◆ Requirements:
(1). The essay should focus on your experience and memories in China, as well as your perceptions and insights about China, which relate you to the achievements of today’s China, celebrating her 70th birthday. These themes include, but not limited to, changes and developments in society, economy, culture and your daily life in China.
(2). There is no restriction on the genre. The essay must be written in Chinese and the length should be around 1000 Chinese characters.
◆ Rewards:
All submitted essays will be reviewed by a professional panel. Outstanding essays will be published as a book, and some of them maybe published in newspapers or magazines. Authors of the first-, second-, and third prized essays will receive monetary rewards.
July 15, 2019
Please send your essay to the international office of your university (PKU:lin2009@pku.edu.cn) before the deadline with your name, nationality, program and contact information (email and cell phone number).
Looking forward to seeing your work!