Mailing Services
There is a post office on campusbesides the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
For on-campus residences, there is a mailroom in Shao Yuan’s Building 7 and Zhongguanyuan Global Village’s Building 1, respectively.. The mailroom will send you a ‘notification letter’ whenever you receive an incoming mail (may it be letter, package or money order).
To claim your mail, please present your photo ID (Student ID Card or Passport) to the mailroom. If you are to claim a package or a money order, you will first need to collect a ‘package notice’/‘money order notice’ from the mailroom by presenting your photo ID to the staffs. You will then have to bring the ‘package notice’/ ‘money order notice’ together with your photo ID to the main post office to collect your mail.
Letter Address Format
The address of Peking University may be written in English or Chinese. For example:

For letters that are to be sent domestically, please use the following format that includes the name, the address and the zip code of both the recipient and the sender. Write the zip code of the recipient on the top left corner of the envelope.

The above letter is addressed to Shao Yuan. If you live off-campus, please inquire from your landlord regarding your complete address.
There are telephone sets available in all on-campus dormitories. The dormitories in Shao Yuan Building 1-4 and Zhongguanyuan Global Village have one 201 telephone. You need to purchase a 201 phone card in order to make external phone calls.
All dormitories in Shao Yuan Buildings 5-9 have a phone set in the living area. The residences of Shao Yuan Building 5-9 will need to open a phone account at the Reception Desk in Shao Yuan Building 7 in order to make external calls. For further information regarding telephone bills and other charges, please inquire from the Reception Desk at Shao Yuan Building 7.
Students are recommended to use the IP Card (Internet Phone Card) for international calls. It is a less expensive approach compared to calling through regular phone services.