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Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Speaks at the

Publish:2015-09-28 00:00:00


Ms. Rice explains that urbanization is something that we have taken as a given for the past 100 years. Urbanization drove better lives; many people left farms for the cities. African Americans left the south and went to the cities to better their lives. China has also urbanized, and many people have gone to the cities. China wants to urbanize even more. However, Ms. Rice believes that these large cities are straining under a growing population and increasingly detrimental environmental situation, in addition to these difficulties, there is the problem of providing jobs to all the people in the city. Ms. Rice believe technology can be used to allow smaller cities to have some of the luxuries of larger cities, and by people choosing to live in smaller cities, governance stays closer to the people and less strain on the governance apparatus.

Technology and Education

Ms. Rice explained that innovation is the key to development, and that technology can be used to enhance education and to solve some modern problems. This is especially true for the poorest of the world and for disenfranchised women and girls. By using technology to expand upon education, to use technology to ensure that everyone has access to education, some modern issues like a booming population and issues and political disenfranchisement issues can be mitigated or even solved. The logic, Ms. Rice explains, is that educated women and girls will not have children an early age, and they will demand political rights equal to men.