Disciplinary Sanctions for Students of Peking University
(University Document [2019], No. 147)
Chapter One:Overview
Article One:These measures have been formulated in accordance with theProvisions for Student Management at Higher Education Institutions,Peking University Statutesand other relevant provisions in the light ofspecific conditionsof our university. Sanctions are intended to maintain the normal order of education, teaching, and living in the university andtoprotect the legitimate rights and interests of students.
Article Two:These measures are applicable toallstudents receiving higher education at this university.
Article Three: When disciplinary actions are taken against a student, educational and restorative components shall be combined, and such actions shall conform to the nature of the student’s illegalactionsorviolations and the severity of the prohibited conduct. Student disciplinary sanctions shall be carried outbyfollowing proper procedures,providingclear and sufficient evidence,defining the natureaccurately anddeterminingappropriate sanctions.
Chapter Two: Types and Applications of Disciplinary Actions
Article Four: If a student violates laws and regulations,Provisions for Student Management at Higher Education Institutions or the statutes and regulations of the university, the university shall give him/her criticism and education, and shall take the following disciplinary actions according to the severity of theprohibited conduct:
(I) Warning;
(II) SeriousWarning;
(III) Demerits;
(IV) Disciplinary Probation;
(V) Expulsion.
Article Five: Time Limit of Disciplinary Actions:
(I) Time limit of warning is six months;
(II) Time limit of serious warning is six months;
(III) Time limit of demerits is twelve months;
(IV) Time limit ofdisciplinary probation is twelve months, which is also treated as the disciplinary action period.
ArticleSix: The respondent of disciplinary actions shall alsoaccept thefollowing provisions:
(I) For students who are in the period of disciplinary action, their qualifications for awards and scholarships shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions on awards and scholarship evaluation;
(II) The eligibility of a student who has been sanctioned for falsification of his/her family’s financial status in the course of applying for financial aid to apply for various kinds of financial aid projects during the period of disciplinary action shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions on student financial aid;
(III) An undergraduate student who is punished for violating academic integrity shall have his/her eligibility for being recommended for admission as a graduate student without examination handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the administrative department of education, and the awarding of bachelor’s degree shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions for degree awarding;
(IV) The awarding of a doctor’s or master’s degrees to a graduate student who has been punished for violating academic integrity shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions for degree awarding;
(V) If there are other provisions, the situation shall be handled in accordance with their respectiverelevant provisions.
Article Seven:Students who violate laws and regulations shall be handled,respectively,as follows:
(I) Those who violate the Constitution, oppose the Four Cardinal Principles, disrupt stability and unity, or disrupt public order shall be subject todisciplinary probation or expulsion;
(II) Those who have received criminal punishment shall be subject todisciplinary probation or expulsion;
(III) Those who have received security administration punishment shall be given demerits,disciplinary probation or expulsion;
(IV) A student whose actions were considered a violation of laws and regulations but he/she was exempted from punishment by a public security organ or judicial office shall be given warning or serious warning.
Article Eight: If a student violates the relevant regulations of the university, but the violation is not serious enough to subject the student to disciplinary action, the school (department), research college (institute, center) (hereinafter referred to as the department) of the student shall criticize and educate him/her, and report it to the relevant functional department to be recorded in writing. Critical education includes verbal criticism, written warnings and notices of criticism.
Article Nine: Studentswho violate disciplinein one of the following circumstances may be given lighter disciplinary action:
(I) The student is negligentwithoutcausinganysevere consequences yet;
(II) The student admits to a mistake voluntarily, honestly reports wrongdoings, or makes an in-depth self-introspection and shows signs of repentance;
(III) The student is confirmed to have been coerced or tricked by others, and has taken the initiative to report the incident and has the correct attitude toward admitting the mistake;
(IV) Other circumstances under which a lighter disciplinary action may be taken.
Article Ten: Students who violate discipline in one of the following circumstances may be given a heavier disciplinary action:
(I) The student’s actions or behaviorcauses severe consequences;
(II) The student threatens to intimidate or retaliate against personnel concerned during the process of disciplinary investigation;
(III) The student has played a major role in the mass violation of discipline;
(IV) The student has violated discipline again within the disciplinary action period;
(V) Other circumstances under which a heavier disciplinary action may be taken.
A student who has been disciplined twice in school and has not changed after being educated or who should be punished according to the regulations for the third violation of discipline shall besubject to expulsion.
Chapter Three: Authority and Procedures of Disciplinary Action
Article Eleven: Given the different types of disciplinary violations and the statuses of the students, the Office of Educational Administration shall be responsible for dealing with the violation ofthe code of student conduct,exam regulations and academicrules involves undergraduates; the Graduate School shall be responsible for dealing with the violation ofthe code of student conduct,exam regulations and academicrules involves postgraduates; and the Office of Student Affairs shall be responsible for dealing with other disciplinary violations. Disciplinary violations by students of Peking University Health Science Center shall be handled by the Office of Educational Administration, the Graduate School and the Office of Student Affairs of the Health Science Center respectively.
The president shall authorize the Dean’s Office to make disciplinary decisions on students’ violation ofthe code of student conduct,exam regulations and academicrules, the Office of Student Affairs office to make disciplinary decisions on students’ other disciplinary violations, and the council of the Health Science Center to make disciplinary decisions on its students’ disciplinary violations.
Article Twelve: Before made, disciplinary actions shall be verified by the Office of Student Affairs or the Office of Educational Administration of the school or department to which the student belongs, and it shallbediscussed by thejoint meeting ofPartybranchandadministration of the department to make a decision, which shall bereviewed by the Educational Administration, the Graduate School and the Office of Student Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the competent department) to be audited according to the type of disciplinary violation and the identity of the student.
Ifthe violator isan international studentora student from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan, the department or school concerned should consult with the international students and the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan StudentsAdministrative Department before putting forward any handlingopinions.
Before announcingthe handling opinion, the school or department shall inform the student of the facts, reasons and basis for theopinion, and the student shall have the right to state his/her case and defend him-/herself. If the student applies by him-/herself, the school or department shall hold a hearing to hear his or her statement and defense and other relevant opinions.
The competent department shall examine and verify thehandling opinion put forward by theschool ordepartment. The disciplinary actions includingwarning, serious warning, demerits or academic probation shall be submitted to the Office of Academic Deans or the Office of Student Affairs forofficial approval. The disciplinary action of expulsion shall be submitted to the Dean’s Office or the Office of Student Affairs forofficial approval after thelegitimacy of the disciplinary actionis examined.
After the Dean’s Office or the Office of Student Affairs hasbeen approved, the competent department shall promptly prepare a written disciplinary decision in the form of a school document. The written disciplinary decision shall include contents as follows: (1) theinvolvedstudent’s basic information; (2) facts and evidence of disciplinary action; (3) the type, basis and time limit of disciplinary action; (4) the approach and time limit of the appeal; (5) other necessary contents.
For thehandling of students’ violation of discipline in the Health Science Center, the relevant department or school shall put forward thehandling opinion according to the above-mentioned procedures, and the competent department shall examine and verifythe opinion. Thecouncil of the Health Science Centershall make the disciplinary decision, and thewritten disciplinary decision shall be uniformly issued by theuniversity.
Article Thirteen: If the school or department discovers any violation of discipline, it shall promptly verify the violation and put forward a handling suggestion. When the relevantadministration department of the university discovers a violation of discipline of a student within their jurisdiction, it shall report the relevant information and materials to the school or department where the student is studying,which shall verify the situation and put forward the handling opinion according to the regulations.
When two or more departments are involved in the investigation of a student’s violation of discipline, the competentdepartment shall coordinate to deal with it. If the investigation process of the violation of discipline of a student requires thehelp of the security department,which shall assist the investigation; where thehelp of public security department is required, the security department shall coordinatewiththe public security department.
If thedisciplinary violationfacts are clear, the relevant department shouldput forward the handling opinionwithin 20 working days after discovering the behavior or receiving the notification. If the circumstances are complicated, serious or difficult to verify, an extension request can be submitted to the competent department in writing according to the types of violation and theprogram of the student. The extension shall generally beup to 15 working days.
If the relevantschools ordepartments do not put forwarda handling suggestionaccording to the regulations, or the handling opinion is not proper, the competent department mayrequire theschools ordepartments to re-discuss and re-propose the handling suggestion after the review.
Undercertain circumstances, the competentdepartment may directly put forward their opinions on handling students who violate discipline, which shall be submitted to theDean’s Office or the Office of Student Affairs to reach a final decision.
Article Fourteen:The time limit for disciplinary action shall be calculated from the date on which the disciplinary decision is made. In case of suspension of schooling or retention of school status for any reason within the period of disciplinary action, the time of suspension or retention of school status shall not be counted in the period of disciplinary action.
Disciplinary action at the level of demerits or below shall be automatically be cancelled upon the expiration of disciplinary period.
If a studentreceives academic probation, his/her department shall be responsible for the inspection during theacademicprobation period. If he/she has shown repentance and progress during the period of academic probation and noanotherviolation of discipline, after the academic probation period has expired,andupon his/her written application, his/her department shall put forward the handling opinion, and the competent department shall study the matter and may make a decision torescind the academic probation, which will be recorded in a decision letter.
Students in their year of graduation who receive academic probation may apply forrescission in advance according to their performance and graduation time.
During the period ofacademicprobation, students whore-violate discipline andthusshould begiven disciplinary action according to regulations shall beexpulsed from school.
Article Fifteen: After the university makes a disciplinary decision, the department to which the student belongs shall send the written disciplinary decision to the student directly, who shall sign for receipt of it; if the student refuses to sign for receipt or is unable to sign for receipt because of specialreasons, the situation shall be recorded by the staff who is responsible for the delivery and then the decisionwill bereserved for collection. A student who is not in thecampus may be served bypost; if the student is difficult to contact, the department may use the school’s website, news media and other methods to send thenotification and reportto the competent authority for making the record.
Article Sixteen: After the university makes a disciplinary decision, the competent department and the department to which the student belongs shall file the materials related to the disciplinary action into the documentary archives in a timely way, and the department where the student studies shall also file the written disciplinary decision and the materials related to therescission ofdisciplinary action into the personal files of the student in a timely way.
Article Seventeen: If a student has any objection to the disciplinary decision, he/she can file a written appeal to the student-appeal-handling committee of the university within 10 days from the date of receiving the written disciplinary decision. The execution of the disciplinary decision shall not be suspended during the period of appeal.
Chapter Four: Disciplinary Violation and Disciplinary Sanction
Section One: Acts that Disturb the Public Order or Impair Public Security and their Disciplinary Sanction
Article Eighteen: Any act by a student that disturbs the public order shall be handled according to the following circumstances:
(I) A student who organizes or plans unlawful assemblies, demonstrations or other activities and refuses to heed dissuasion shall be given demerits;in cases of severe violation, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(II) A student who spreads rumors,castsfalse dangerous substances, threatens to set fire, explode, or casts dangerous substances, or intentionally disturbs the public order shall be given demerits; In cases of severe violation, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(III) A student who organizes, establishes or joins an illegal social group or organization or engages in illegal activities shall be given demerits; in cases of severe violation, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(IV) A student who organizes, instigates, coerces, tricks and incites others to engage in evil cult or feudal superstition activities, thereby disturbing social order and damaging the health of others, shall be given demerits; In cases of severe violation, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(V) A student who conducts religious activities in the university shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(VI) A student who posts or distributes propaganda materials and printed matter or hangs banners in the university without approval, thereby causing harmful effects, shall be given disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above; In serious cases, such as the dissemination of illegal or untrue content, personal attack, etc, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above;
(VII) A student who disturbs the order of the class, teaching building, meeting place, workplace, library, canteen, dormitory or other public places and refuses to heed dissuasion shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning and above; in severe cases of adverse effects or severe consequences, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above;
(VIII) A student who incites or organizes a crowd to cause trouble, affecting or disturbing the normal teaching, scientific research, management or living order of the university shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above; in severe cases in which he or she threatens or insults others or spreads rumors, thereby damaging the reputation of the university or causing other serious circumstances, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(IX) A student who commit any other acts of disturbing the public order shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above in accordance with the severity of the case.
Article Nineteen: Any act that impairs public safety shall be handled in accordance with the following circumstances:
(I) A student who sets an open fire in a key fire prevention unit or place, thereby causing a serious public security risk, and refuses to heed dissuasion shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or a serious warning; in cases of severe consequences caused by the student’s action, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above;
(II) A student who takes dangerous substances, such as explosive, toxic, radioactive or corrosive substances or infectious disease pathogens out of their designated storage places without authorization shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or a serious warning; in cases of severe consequences caused by the student’s action,he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above;
(III) A student who commits any other acts that impair public safety shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above in accordance with the severity of the case.
Section Two: Acts that infringe Personal Rights and Property Rights and their Disciplinary Actions
Article Twenty:Acts of beating or purposely injuring others shall be dealt with in accordance with the following circumstances:
(I) A student who beats or purposely injuries others shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above in accordance with the severity of the case;
(II) In cases in which a student who plans or incites others to assault or injure a third person, if no action is carried out, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above and if the action is implemented, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above according to the severity of the case;
(III) A student who intentionally provides murder weapons for another person to assault or injure a third person with no injuries caused shall be given disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above; in case of severe consequences, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above.
Article Twenty-One: A student who publicly insults others, threatens the personal safety of others, fabricates facts to slander others or falsely accuse or frames others shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning; in case of severe consequences, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above.
Article Twenty-Two: A student who hides, destroys, illegally occupies or modifies the notice documents, letters or mail items of others, causing severe consequences or actual losses, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above.
Article Twenty-Three: A student who peeps at, shoots photos or videos of, or eavesdrops on others, or spreads other’s privacy, etc., thereby causing adverse effects or severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above.
Article Twenty-Four:A student who sexually harasses others via language, words, pictures or behavior, or intentionally exposes the body in a public place, thereby causing severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above.
Article Twenty-Five: A student who illegally occupies, intentionally occupies, conceals, destroys or damages public or private property shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above in accordance with the severity of the case; a student who steals public or private property shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above; A student who defrauds, robs or extorts public or private property shall be subject to a heavier disciplinary action than that given for theft.
Article Twenty-Six:A student who deliberately damages cultural relics or ancient trees, or deliberately damages communication links or equipment such as campus radio, television, telephone and Internet shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a demerit or above.
Article Twenty-Seven: A student who infringes on the rights of other people or their property shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above in accordance with the severity of the case.
Section Three: Acts that Impair Social Management and Violate University Regulations and their Disciplinary Actions
Article Twenty-Eight: Acts that impair social management shall be handled in accordance with the following circumstances:
A student who circulates, spreads, produces, posts or disseminates obscene articles, books, magazines, pictures, recordings, or illegal articles, books, magazines or recordings shall be subject to disciplinary action of a warning or serious warning; if such acts are profit-making, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above;
(I) A student who is involved in gambling shall be subject to disciplinarywarning; a student who is involved in a large amount of gambling money or create opportunities for gambling with the purpose ofmaking profits shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above; a student who organizes gambling, gathering people to gamble, or gambles repeatedly shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(II) A student who possesses drugs, takes or injects drugs shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above; a student who provides drugs to others, or instigates, entices or deceives others to take or inject drugs shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above; a student who forces others totake, inject, smuggle, sell, transport or manufacture drugs shall be subject to expulsion ;
(IV) A student who participates in an illegal pyramid scheme and causes severe consequences shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above; a student who organizes or co-organizes an illegal pyramid scheme shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above;
(V) A student who engages in prostitution, whoring, etc., shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(VI) A student who picks a quarrel after drinking shall be subject to disciplinary warning; in case of severe consequences, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above;
(VII) A student who knows perfectly well that he/she is infected but conceals his/her infectious disease, refusing to accept treatment or take preventive measures, and thereby leading to bad situations, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above.
Article Twenty-Nine: Violations of the relevant regulations on Internet use shall be punished according to the following circumstances:
(I) A student who lends or sublets to others the permission to use the network resources of the university that he/she holds, thereby causing adverse or severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above; if such acts are profit-making, he/she shall be subject to a heavier disciplinary action;
(II) A student who embezzles or assumes the accounts of other Internet users or University information service user account, thereby causing bad or severe consequences or actual losses, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above;
(III) A student who engages or assists in activities that endanger network security, including illegal intrusion into the network of others, interference with the normal functioning of others’ networks, or the theft of others’network data, thereby causing severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above;
(IV) A student who exploits the network to make, copy, consult or spread false, bad or illegal information, thereby causing adverse or severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above;
(V) A student who has violated other laws and regulations related to Internet management or the campus network shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above according to the severity of the case.
Article Thirty: A student who infringes on the rights and interests of others or other organizations by assuming the name of others or other organizations, thereby causing adverse effects or actual losses to others or other organizations, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above.
Article Thirty-One: A student who violates the provisions on the confidential work of the university, failing to abide by the obligation of confidentiality or divulges state secrets or internal matters that the university should not disclose within a certain period of time, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above according to the severity of the case.
Article Thirty-Two:A student who commits fraud in the process of identifying his/her family’s economic status while applying for various kinds of financial assistance shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above according to the severity of the case.
Article Thirty-Three: A student who violates the relevant regulations of the university in participating in military training, teaching practice, exchange program, social practice, employment practice, work-study program, temporary post practice, etc., shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above according to the severity of the case.
Article Thirty-Four: Acts that violate the relevant regulations on the management of student dormitories and disturb the management of the dormitory shall be handled according to the following circumstances:
(I) A student who exchanges and occupies a dormitory bed without authoritative permission, and refuses to correct the error after being educated by criticism, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above; a student who lends or rents his/her bed without permission shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above; if such acts are profit-making, he/she shall be subject to a heavier disciplinary action;
(II) A student who allows off-dormitory personnel to stay overnight without permission, and refuses to mend wrongdoings after being educated by criticism shall be subject to disciplinary action of a warning; if such violations cause adverse or severe consequences, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above; a student who permits others of the opposite sex to stay overnight in the dormitory shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(III) A student who disturbs the management of the dormitory and normal study and life of others and refuses to change his/her behavior after being educated by criticism, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above;
(IV) A student who violates fire and other safety regulations in the dormitory and refuses to change his/her behavior after being educated by criticism, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above; in case of adverse or severe consequences, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above;
(V) A student who violates other student dormitory management regulations, causing adverse or severe consequence, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above.
Article Thirty-Five: A student who illegally scribbles, hangs or posts on buildings and public facilities shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above; a student who pollutes the campus environment, or damages campus buildings or facilities or other such behavior, and refuses to amend his/herwrongdoingsafter being educated by criticism or causes severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above according to the severity of the case;
Article Thirty-Six: Acts that violate regulations or disrupt normal management of our university shall be addressed according to the following circumstances:
(I) A student who lends or sublets his/her student ID card or campus card or other certificates, thereby causing adverse or severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above; and if such acts are profit-making, he/she shall be subject to a heavier disciplinary action. A student who embezzles, assumes, alters, forges or modifies his/her student ID card, campus card, school report card or other documents or certifications, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of demerits or above;
(II) A student who privately engraves or forges the official seal shall be subject to disciplinary action of demerits; in the case of causing adverse or severe consequences, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above; a student who forges the signature of others, thereby causing adverse effects or severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above;
(III) A student who organizes and establishes student societies, or conducts activities or launches publicity materials without approval, or develops illegal activities in the name of legitimate student societies, or has other violations of the management regulations of student societies and thereby causes adverse effects, shall be subject to disciplinary action of a serious warning or demerits; in serious cases, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(IV) A student who deliberately damages or occupies the library collections shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above;
(V) A student who violates the relevant provisions of public health services or medical insurance and practices fraud, thereby causing adverse effects or severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above;
(VI) A student who commits other acts that violate university regulations and disturb the campus order shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above according to the severity of the case.
Section Four: Acts that Impair the Rights or Interests of the University and their Disciplinary Actions
Article Thirty-Seven: Acts that impair the rights and interests of the university shall be handled according to the following circumstances:
(I) A student who transfers or permits the use of the intellectual property rights of the university without permission shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above; in serious cases, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(II) A student who violates university’s regulations by divulging scientific and technological achievements or technical secrets of the university shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a serious warning or above; in serious cases, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of academic probation or above;
(III) A student who commits other acts that impair the rights and interests of the university, thereby causing severe consequences or actual losses, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above according to the severity of the case.
Article Thirty-Eight: Acts that impair the reputation of the university shall be handled according to the following circumstances:
(I) A student who illegally uses the name or logo of the university overtly in signboards, advertisements, posters, documents, websites, media or other carriers in personal business activities, thereby causing adverse effects, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above;
(II) A student who publishes announcements and news in the name of the university, department or student association, or organizes or participates in activities outside the university, or makes irresponsible promises, thereby causing adverse effects, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above;
(III) A student who commits other acts that damage the reputation of the university, thereby causing adverse effects or severe consequences, shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above according to the severity of the case.
Section Five: Acts that Violate Study Discipline, Examination Discipline or Academic Discipline of the University and their Disciplinary Actions
Article Thirty-Nine: A student who has any of the following circumstances in the national education examination shall be subject to the disciplinary action of school expulsion:
(I) A student who takes an examination in place of a candidate or is replaced by someone else;
(II) A student who organizes group cheating;
(III) A student who provides information on test questions, answers or corresponding equipment for the cheating organizer to join the cheating activity;
(IV) A student who uses communication equipment or other devices for cheating, or sells test questions or answers to others for profit;
(V) A student who commits severe cheating or disturbs the examination order.
Article Forty: A student who violates the school discipline, examination discipline or academic discipline of the university shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above in accordance with undergraduate and graduate student status management, examination discipline, academic standards and other provisions.
Article Forty-One: A medical student who violates medical laws, regulations, rules or relevant hospital regulations during clinical learning shall be subject to disciplinary action at the level of a warning or above according to the severity of the case.
Chapter Five: Supplementary Articles
Article Forty-Two: These measures were passed at the 923rd President’s Office Meeting held on June 13, 2017, revised at the 958th President’s Office Meeting held on May 8, 2019, and implemented from the date of promulgation. The formerDisciplinary Sanction Provisions for University Students(university document [2017] No. 171) was repealed at the same time. If the disciplinary sanction provisions in other documents are inconsistent with these measures, these measures shall prevail.
Article Forty-Three: The Office of Student Affairs shall be responsible for the interpretation of these measures.