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Notice Regarding theJune, Summer Vacation (July & August), and Next SemesterChinese Government Scholarship Registrations and Living Stipends

Publish:2017-05-24 00:00:00

June Registration:
Chinese Government Scholarship recipients, please register for your living stipend using the fingerprint scanner at the entrance of building 5 in the ZhongGuanYuan Global Village from June 5 to June 15. Students who have difficulty using the fingerprint scanner, please go to the International Students Division (ISD) in room 328 of the New Sun Student Center (新太阳活动中心) from June 12 to June 15 to register manually.

Summer Vacation Stipends:
The summer vacation is approaching and to avoid affecting students' vacation plans, the living stipend registration in June will include the July and August living stipends. The July living stipend will be disbursed to your bankcard by June 25 and the August living stipend payment will be transferred to your account by July 25.

Note: Scholarship recipients who have applied for and received an extension of their scholarships will receive their August living stipend together with the September living stipend.

The September 2017 living stipend registration will be completed as follows:
· Registration Period: August 28 to September 15 (except weekends)
· Who needs to register: All students who receive the Chinese Government Scholarship
· Registration Method: Bring YOUR OWN student ID card to the International Students Office to sign YOUR OWN name. Signing for others is strictly forbidden.
· Payment Period: Depending on the registration results, we estimate that the living stipend will be transferred to your account by September 25.
· If for some reason you are unable to register according to the instructions above, you must contact the ISD and explain your situation. Failure to do so will affect the continuation of your scholarship.

The October Living Stipend:
It will be transferred to your account at the same time as the September living stipend. In other words, the August 28 to September 15 registration includes both the September and October living stipends, which will be placed into your account by September 25.

The November Living StipendRegistration:
This registration will be completed in the second week of October in building 5 of the ZhongGuanYuan Global Village (electronic fingerprint registration). Alternatively, you can go to the ISD before October 15 and register manually.

The September Scholarship Registration:
At the beginning of each academic year (September), the first scholarship registration must be completed by all recipients of the Chinese Government Scholarship regardless of their receiving of a living stipend or not. This first registration must be completed by an in-person signature and NOT by fingerprint scanner.
All of the following registrations for the academic year can be completed electronically (fingerprint scanner) and only need to be completed by students who receive the monthly living stipend.

Please help us spread this information around! We hope you have a great summer holiday!

International Students Division, PKU,
May 22, 2017