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"China and the World in My Eyes" Photo Contest Invitation

Publish:2013-08-13 00:00:00

Peking University International Cultural Festival 2013

"China and the World in My Eyes"

Photo Contest for PKU International Students and Chinese Overseas Exchange Students


Dear International Students,

Warmest greetings!
The office of International Relations would like to extend our sincere invitation to you
to participate in the 2013 Peking University International Cultural Festival Photo Contest.
As part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Peking University International Cultural Festival, the photo contest is organized for Peking University international students as well as Chinese overseas exchange students with the theme of “China and the World in My Eyes” to promote a better understanding between different cultures.
1. Requirements:
1) The number of photo submitted should be no more than one per competitor
2) The photo submitted should be taken during the period of your study in China reflecting your idea and thoughts about China.
3) The photo should be an original one without using any graphic editing tools
4) Photo should be named in English, with a 50 words or less English descriptions in a word file attachment.
2. Selection:
1) For the first round, a penal of professional judges will shortlist the entries
2) All photos that pass the first round will go to a second round online voting
3. Awards:
1) One First Prize
2) Three Second Prize
3) Six Third Prize
4) 10 Award of Excellence
Winners will be awarded extra credits when applying for Peking University’s scholarships for international students
4. Submission:
Submit all photos to: icfphoto@126.com
5. Deadline:
24:00, Friday, 30th August, 2013
We sincerely look forward to your enthusiastic participation and wish you a pleasant stay in Beida!

Office of International Relations
