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发布日期:2021-10-25 15:30:00




1. 请计划来校通过代办机构代办相关手续的同学务必备齐材料一次性办结,有问题或疑问一次性沟通确认清晰。

2. 签证/居留许可手续办理所提供的照片要求:纯白底,2寸,近期照片,免冠,露双耳、双眉,不露牙齿,不佩戴眼镜、耳钉、鼻环、项链、头饰,不穿浅色上衣、跨栏吊带背心,照片为相纸冲印,无污渍、划痕、褶皱、边框,不得遮挡面部。

3. 关于签证办理的细节信息请参考如下内容:



4. 目前仍无法来华入境的同学请时刻关注中国驻外使领馆、签证办理中心等政府机构所发布的公告通知,同时保持联络畅通。若计划来华入境请务必提前向所在院系及留办报告。

Notice of adjustment of visa agency working time

In accordance with the request for epidemic control, the working time for visa agency application has been changed from Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday to 13:00-15:30 p.m. every Thursday. Mrs. Zhang will come to school at the above time of the week and be on duty in Room 329 of the New Sun Student Center.

Visa agency application time will be notified in advance if there is any subsequent renewal/adjustment.


1. If you plan to apply for visa through the agency, please prepare the materials and make sure you have all of them on hand. If you have any questions or questions, please communicate clearly with the agency first.

2. Photograph required for visa/residence permit processing: 2 inches, pure white background, a recent photo, printed on photo paper, with no stains, scratches, wrinkles, borders; no hats or head covering and your face should be seen clearly (both ears and eyebrows should be seen); no toothy smile; glasses are also not allowed, as well as ear studs or earrings, nose rings, headwear and necklaces; please do not wear light-colored tops or halter tops.

3. For more information on visa processing, please refer to the following.

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/g4zRPpgXs2AV9VbTJRC2SA  (Chinese)

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/23W5pT0k-OktIeGGoEzVdg  (English)

4. Students who are still unable to enter China should always pay attention to the announcements issued by Chinese diplomatic and consular institutions, visa processing centers and other government agencies. If you plan to come to China, please report to your department in advance.

上一条:@全体北大留学生,坚持科学精准防疫不松懈! 下一条:关于申请2021年北京大学外国留学生学习优秀奖的通知

