1. Criteria and Eligibility
(1) Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens;
(2) Applicants must have already submitted a graduate school application (master's or doctorate's) to Peking University ;
Students enrolled in the following programs are not eligible:
I. Joint degree programs;
II. Majoring in one’s native language or a third language (French, English, etc.)
III. Have previously received scholarship funds from China.
2. Scholarship covers the following:
• Tuition fees(Non-standard tuition fees will be paid by the student, not the scholarship);
• Living Allowance(Masters students: 3000Yuan/month; Ph.D. students: 3500Yuan/month);
• Free accommodation (single rooms for doctor candidates and twin rooms for master’s candidates);
• Chinese Government Scholarship students will be provided comprehensive medical insurance.
3. Required Application Materials
1) Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (in Chinese or English). Applicants should visit
http://laihua.csc.edu.cn and submit the application online, then print out two copies of the form. The application will be invalid without online application.
Note: The agency No. of Peking University is 10001
2) A notarized copy of the applicant's most advanced educational degree must be provided. If the degree is not in Chinese or English, it must be translated to English. (Students that have yet to graduate can provide a proof of their expected graduation date.)
3) One sealed letter of recommendation from someone able to assess you academically or assess your abilities: recommendation format can be downloaded at
4) Personal statement
5) Transcripts
6) Statement of not receiving other Chinese scholarship funds. If you are applying to another scholarship at the same time, please explain.
Note: Incomplete applications will not be processed. Application materials will not be returned.
4. Other
⑴ Scholarship students must take an annual evaluation;
⑵ Scholarship students cannot change their major;
⑶ The documents provided by the applicant must be correct and authentic. If the documents do not meet these standards, the scholarship will be cancelled and in admission will be revoked.
⑷ The scholarship application final admission results will be posted on the International Students Division website.
Please click on the “Chinese Government Scholarship: Supplementary Q & A Information” to get more information.