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Notice on Adjustment of Office Hours during 2024 Summer Vacation

Publish:2024-07-06 19:03:54

According to the university's holiday arrangement,the summer vacation schedule will be implemented during the period from July 8th to August 27th 2024. Regarding office hours, the time arrangements are as follows:

1.Office hours of the International Student Division:

Monday to Friday, 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm.

2.The office hours of the visa agent company are:

July 8thto July 20th

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00 pm-3:30 pm.

July 21stto August 27th

Thursdays, 1:00pm-3:30pm.

Consultation, question answering, visa/residence application, summer vacation duty WeChat account: zhanghui091010

3.The office hours of the insurance company are:

Thursdays, 1:00pm - 3:30pm.

For students who need to pay the tuition fees or handle the visa extension, please arrange your time in advance.

Payment process of online service platform for international students (click to view)

Online insurance purchase process for international students (Click to View)

Inquiry number.: 86-10-62751230

Email address: study@pku.edu.cn

Finally, we would like to remind students to keep in mind the following hotlines numbers. If you encounter any problems or difficulties, students may call the corresponding hotlines at any time:

Peking University 24-hour student service hotline: 62756372

Peking University 24-hour psychological assistance hotline: 62760521

Security department 24-hour telephone number: 62755110

Yanyuan logistics all-day service hotline: 62751500

Campus hospital emergency telephone number: 62751919

Wish all the students a safe, healthy and fulfilling holiday. We look forward to students’ return back to campus on time.
