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Notice on Application for 2024 PKU International Students Academic Award

Publish:2024-11-01 14:16:09

Since 1999, the International Students Academic Award has been awarded by Peking University to international students at PKU who are not only outstanding in virtue but also in their academic field. The 2024 Academic award is now open for application. For students who fulfill the requirements listed below, please complete the scholarship application and submit the documents required in time to be nominated for the scholarship.

I. Criteria and Eligibility

1.  Graduating undergraduate students

2. Master’s degree students or PhD candidates (all must be students in their final year)


1. Applicants may only apply once during their Master’s degree phase or the doctoral phase at PKUthat is, during the course of their program at PKU.

2. Graduate students in one-year Master's degree programs or joint degree programs are ineligible to apply.

3. Students who have violated Chinese Government laws and regulations, PKU rules or failed to meet a passing grade in any subject are ineligible to apply.

4. Students who are recipients of other scholarship awards are eligible to apply.

II. Application materials

Undergraduate students:

1. Application form for undergraduate students (click here to download): please note that only " Self-Assessment " section is required to be completed with signature;

2. Academic transcript with the average GPA stated;

3. Supplementary materials (not required but can be attached as reference): recommendation letter(s), other documents that reflect academic performance etc.

Graduate students:

1. Application Form for graduate students (for Master’s degree students / PhD candidates): please note that "Self-Assessment" section should be completed with signature and that the "Supervisor’s Comments" sections are also required;

2. Academic transcript;

3. Two letters of recommendation from professors in your department;

4. Published papers (including front page of the periodical where paper was published, the contents page, and abstract [if any]);

5. List of published papers. Please click on the link to download the format required.

III. Application Instructions

Application period:

Applicants must submit all the scanned application materials required PDF formwithin the period from November 1 to 17:00 November 13, 2024 (Beijing Time) to ischolarship@pku.edu.cn.

The email subject line should be: “2024 PKU International Students Academic Award (department/school + program of study + student ID No.)”.

IV. Scholarship Types:

The scholarship is divided into: First Prize for PhD Candidates, Second Prize for PhD Candidates, Prize for Master's Students, Prize for Undergraduate Students.

V. Review Methods and Standards:

1. Candidates should register on time, take courses according to their academic requirements and achieve excellent academic results;

2. Undergraduate students must have completed 90% of their compulsory courses (including major-compulsory courses and common-compulsory courses) by the end of their third academic year. The ranking for this award is conducted according to the average CGPA and the overall performance of required courses.

3. Graduate students will be evaluated according to their course examination results, academic accomplishment as well as research and innovation ability;

4. PhD candidates applying for the first prize must have papers published on professional official publications; the author affiliation should be Peking University and the papers must be published during the applicant's doctoral period at Peking University.

Based on the preliminary review results, graduate students will be arranged to participate in an in-person presentation as part of their evaluation. Please prepare in advance for the evaluation.

VI. Release of 1st-round results and appeal application: Late December 2024

VII. Announcement of final results of the scholarship award: January 2025

For more information, contact:

International Students Division, Office of International Relations, PKU

Tel: 86-10-62751230

Email: ischolarship@pku.edu.cn
